I can't believe it's November already! Where did the year go?
Just a quick update because I haven't posted in so long. So what have we been up to since the ages ago when I last posted?
Well the weather has turned colder, that's for certain. I've started wearing polo necked sweaters under my smocks. Time to get the sock needles out and start knitting lovely scrummy thick socks for the winter. Speaking of thick socks, bonfire night was something of a wash out. We had to keep Phaolin in last night but there was really very little to see. I felt so sorry for all the families looking forward to a bonfire and fireworks outside and now it's still raining and the wind is getting steadily stronger.
After the shenanigins of last week end we still had our Samhain pumpkin sitting there unused so this morning I made pumpkin cake and pie, delicious.
I have to admit the batter tasted rather good - it's a guilty pleasure and I know I shouldn't indulge but it brings back all those memories of home baking with mother and nan and being allowed to 'lick the bowl!'
I think I must be the worlds messiest baker, mashed pumpkin everywhere.
Once that was all done I sat down with my yarn and hook and watched the Brazilian grand prix while outside it slowly became one of those nights when it's good to be inside, all cosy and warm with a glass of good wine and some crochet.
Right now I'm back to crocheting but having gotten a head start on the Christmas presents I decided I needed to do something small and different so last week I turned to the knitting and made these...
I loved this pattern when I first saw it...
I looks even cuter when it's being worn! I'm kinda pleased with the way it came out. So tomorrow it's back to the Christmas presents. Himself put in an order for one of my crochet flower wreaths for his mum so I have to get on with that soon and of course we will begin our usual pre Christmas clean up this week. I am determined to get ahead of the game this year, in case we have a repeat of last weekend or one of use catches the usual winter cold. I'll post pictures of the completed Christmas presents soon. Love O. xx