Merry Beltaine!
So... today himself and I have been together for twenty years! Beltaine twenty years ago. A walk in Swithland Woods, a dinner of cheese and onion pie, jersey royal new potatoes and salad and an evening ritual in himself's front room.
This morning we got up for the sunrise and saluted it out in the garden with himself standing on the picnic table to do his pipe ceremony! I did not stand on the picnic table, I kept my feet firmly on the ground.
Then we retreated to the big sitting room, listened to Runrig belt out Maymorning (probably the best Beltaine song ever) and realised that we were sitting in a room full of memories.
Anniversary or age? We weren't sure but for some reason we were surrounded by ghosts. The candle flames were absolutely still, a near miracle in a hundred and thirty year old house full of drafts and I prayed that the omens were good for another twenty years.
It is a damp May Day here so our walking will be limited but I don't really mind that too much. I have plenty of crochet on the hook :) And this evening our two friends from up the road are taking us out to Sosban for dinner.
Now I think clothing might be in order then when it finally stops raining we can go out.
Have a great Beltaine all! O. xx