Stash sorting. Getting there slowly...
So long time no update. Life has been very busy and there just hasn't been time to write about everything. I'm off to 'The Smoke' again tomorrow for work for a whole week. *le sigh* All good fun and all that and it's nice to see friends and colleagues from far away. Last week I went up to the folks for a few days. Father had a couple of large trout given to him by a fishing friend and they needed to be skinned and boned and turned into something the parents can eat. So I made trout in cream, mustard and tarragon sauce. We ate some and froze the rest. It was pretty delicious, if I do say so myself.
The combination of sunshine and rain means that the garden is growing out of control so after my trip to London we are going to try and get back on top of it again. Sadly I am not one of life's natural little gardeners so it all tends to go in fits and starts when I'm in the mood.
Apart from work life is pretty good right now, so why am I waiting for the other shoe to drop? No idea, but I definitely am.
Anyway Phaolin is having an incredible moult right now. I suspect it's the heat, but he's shedding clumps of white fur all over everywhere. In the end I took to finger stripping him. He doesn't really like it, but will tolerate it for a short while. I managed a patch on his side about six inches square and, well you can see the result here...
Enough fur to make a mini Phaolin! Anyone thinking of owning a pulling dog, you have been warned.
Being away next week means that work will have to stop on the 'granny stripe blanket.' I amanged to get a fair bit done while I was up with the folks.
I'm liking it a lot, but I'm glad I got a second colour pack of the yarn. I thought initially I was going to be able to complete using the one pack but I'm not so sure now. Having the second pack already in the stash means I can either stop or keep going as I please.
I think I have finally got all the colours I want from "The Natural Dye Studio " for the triangle blanket and also they had some packs of mini skeins for sale on their site the other week and I bought enough to be able to get started on that fancy scarf pattern I got at Wonderwool.
So many projects and so little time. I also need to invest in a "ball winder" (stop sniggering!) I have over thrity sekins of yarn to wind before I can start the triangle blanket, and that isn't the only yarn I have that comes in skeins. All the Welsh Yarn Company mohair for this year's christmas hats is in skeins too.
This week I have been rediscovering music that I haven't listened to for years, too. A friend of my on LJ posted a video link to Jon and Vangelis' "Find My Way Home" and I realised I'd forgotten how much I liked their music so I did an iTunes trawl and found a load of great songs that I hadn't heard for years. It dawned on me that it was probably because so much of that music was associated with my marriage but it shows kust how far I've come, when none of it brought back even remotely maudlin memories. I am now able to view that part of my life with positive equanimity. Fascinating how time softens things and memories that were once bitter-sweet become simply 'old memories.' Guess it's me age :)
Anyway, I have everything ready to put into my suitcase tomorrow so I'm going to go have a relaxing Saturday. Have a good weekend all, O. xxxxx