Could I make an afghan in a week?
Well I came close, and would have come closer if the yarn supplier had been up to their usual standard and shipped the day after I ordered not the week after I ordered! But never mind.
As you can see it' not quite finished. It needs several more rown of border and then an edging of some sort. Too much yellow, possibly, but I'm not changing it now. It looks okay in situ on the back of the rocking chair. I am wondering about taking a couple of my favourite squares from this one and making them into another. Dunno yet, will have to see how I feel.
I also want to make one of those wonderful devices that fits over the chair arm and stores all the remote controls for the TV etc. Actually we need two, one for the small sitting room with the TV and one for the big sitting room with the stereo. We have a habit of keepign the remotes with the device they pertain too which kinda defeats the object of having a 'remote' if you have to keep getting up to use it!.
Anyway, it's the wekend, the sun is out, the dog's want a walk and I just had a bacon sandwich so I'll leave you with one more pic and I'm off up the lane with the dogs.
Love O. xxxxxxx