This post is actually taken from my Livejournal post of April 30th. I wasn't going to continue with this crafting blog as I thought it may be too time consuming and difficult to maintain 2 sites and LJ has been my bloggin home for so many years. Also for some reason my internet connection doesn't like typepad and sometimes refuses to connect until the hub has been rebooted, but in the end I decided it would be nice to have a less trafficked place to post my knitting and crochet musings and pictures.
So here is my day before Beltaine post and pictures.
So yesterday afternoon was spent chilling and crochetting. And isn't that a surprise to all of you? Not.
I am blisteringly tired but I want to do things so that we are ready for Beltaine. So this morning I got up and cleaned the conservatory.
The strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs are coming on well.
Unfortunately it is raining here in Wales this morning so it looks
rather grey outside. We are trying to decide where to go for the
sunrise ceremony tomorrow. Right now Llansteffan
is looking likeliest but if it's raining it's gonna be kinda miserable
and a longer journey home for potentially wet two leggeds and four
leggeds so we may just end up heading to the usual spot at the Lighthouse at Burry Port which is five minutes down the mountain road. Guess we'll see in the morning.
In other news, once I finished the baby project (pics to come later) I decided I needed a new yarn bag so began work on this...
Well now it looks like this
The pattern for the bag comes from a blog I visit daily and absolutely love here at attic24 anyone looking for inspiration would do well to visit Lucy's wonderful blog. I rommend it regularly on my other blog over at Livejournal.
And here it is in situ - so to speak...
It is full of wonderful Peaches and Creme cotton yarn which is my stock yarn for household projects. In fact on the top of the yarn bag you can see the beginning of a circular cushion cover for the rocking chair in the conservatory.